Friday, August 7, 2009

Chung Ling n Sacred Heart High School Installation

2-8-09 was Chung Ling and Sacred Heart High School Jaycees installation...
Early in the morning,Kar Ho n me waiting Janice's uncle to fetch us to Chung Ling High School...After reached Chung Ling,4 of us went to CS2 to played some games...
Actually the installation ceremony was started at 10am...Bt we reached there was 10.30am adi...We are late...Lol...

After gaving speech,some entertainment also began...1 of the Chung Ling's student so yeng...Lol...Performed Michael Jackson's moonwalk...Wow...Yeng Yeng...Besides this,we also danced at hall...Haha...Funny that dance..Lol...
5.30pm was taking photo session...We took many pictures...xD...
Around 6,the ceremony ended...Wah...That day was so happy...xD...After that,Kai Yun's mum fetched us back...Thanks Kai Yun's mum...=)


  1. What is this about? Installation ceremony? No idea about it.
    A lot of photos.....
